
Every fist punch of Indiana Jones must be precisely matched to the musical accent of John Williams. This is where synchronization comes in as part of our services for a successful concert.

Film music composed precisely to individual movements and cuts must be reproduced in a concert performance as it was in the original recording. For this purpose, we create a score that gives conductors the necessary tools by means of a synchronization bar. This bar, as a fixed element, can consist of descriptions of the scene, visualized representations and indications of the seconds per bar and section. The synchronization bar acts as its own voice.

As needed, we include additional tools in the form of punches & streamers or a click track that plays over headphones. This supplementary track is fed from software as a metronome and ensures that the conductor and musicians are on tempo and match the movements on the screen from the beginning of the film or clip to its end.

Punches & streamers act as visual, less rigid cues for the conductors. If desired, we can create a film or clip version with bars that move through the frames at a specific pace to prepare for the next cut. The various synchronization tools are tailored to the specific needs of conductors and event organizers.