Performing Arts

Performing arts can be a suitable alternative to a concert host guiding the audience through the evening. Some themes benefit from a sophisticated performance that creates a context and appropriately underscores the musical program. Developing this performance in the form of performing arts is something we take on with sensitivity and know-how.

Depending on the program, the client’s wishes and the performance venue, we design an appropriate setting, stage design and script in close cooperation with actors, directors and authors, which complement the concert evening with their performance. This is done by conveying cinematic, musical, historical and socially relevant information in the form of an additional entertainment layer that is fused with the film clips shown and the music performed. The approach is thereby subordinate to the theme: While a mime can support a concert with the music from Federico Fellini’s films, actors are meant to counter sensitive themes with a subtle but necessary contrast. In this way, concert and theater merge two art forms into an impressive melange.